
Sale Details

1990 Vanagon Weekender - #2392

1990 Vanagon Weekender - #2392 (63,510 Miles) - $49,476.18 Total delivered price.

Engine: 2.5 Liter

Trans: Automatic

Color: Burgundy

VIN: WV2TB025XLG116416

Options: AC, AT, PS, PW, AW, AUX BATT  [What Are These?]

Contact this Buyer


John contacted us in late 2014 to see about getting a full GoWesty restoration on his van. This two owner vehicle has always been registered in California, is low mileage, and has a great history on it, making it a perfect GoWesty restoration candidate.We had it shipped up from Southern California, rolled up our sleeves, and got to work!

Here's what we did:

In addition to the above restoration items, John also added the following items:

After the restoration, this already beautiful van turned into a real head turner!


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